Diamond is a 澳门亚洲博彩平台排名 & 亚洲博彩平台排名 attorney focusing her practice on civil litigation, 当地政府, eminent domain/right of way and waterfront law matters. Prior to joining the firm, Diamond served as a law clerk for the Honorable Cleo Powell of the Supreme Court of Virginia. 另外, she has a background in higher education, having worked for several years in the industry and receiving a masters degree in the field before pursuing law school.
- Virginia State Bar, Bench Bar Relations Committee Young Lawyer’s Division Co-Chair, 2022-2023
- South Hampton Roads Bar Association
- Regent School of Law’s Moot Court Board Chairwoman, 2021-2022
- Hampton Roads Minority Pre-Law Conference, Session Moderator & 组织者,2022
- Regent School of Law’s Black Law Students Association President, 2020-2021
- South Hampton Roads Bar Association’s Private Practitioner of the Year Award, 2024
- 可敬的R. 小埃德温·伯内特. Young Lawyer of the Year Award, 2024
- Regent School of Law’s Appellate Advocacy Award, 2022
- Regent School of Law’s Faculty Recognition Award, 2022
- First place team and top-10 brief, Annual William B. 小Spong. Invitational Moot Court Competition, 2022
- Best Brief, Southeastern Invitational Moot Court Competition, 2022
- 半决赛 & Second Best Oralist, Notre Dame Religious Freedom Moot Court Competition, 2021
- Best Oralist, Regent Cup Intramural Moot Court Competition, 2020
- Urban Renewal Center Project and Event Volunteer 2022-2023
- Urban Renewal Center Project Makeover Hampton Roads Participant and 首页work Club Tutor, 2018
钻石C. 摆架子
澳门亚洲博彩平台排名 & 亚洲博彩平台排名,P.C.
电话/传真: (757) 490-6250
传真: (757) 490-6250
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